The Travels of Marco Polo

The theme of the lesson: The Travels of Marco Polo.
Unit of a long term plan School: №86 school-gymnasium
Teacher name: Zhakishbekova.A.G
Number present: absent:
Lesson title: The Travels of Marco Polo
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme):
— turns when speaking with others in a limited range of short, basic exchanges
— familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud contextual clues to predict content in short, supported talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics
— understand some specific information and detail of short, supported information or talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics
- take turns when speaking with others in a limited range of short, basic exchanges
— words and phrases of regular size and shape
— make basic statements which provide personal information on a limited range of general topics
- understand a limited range of short supported questions which ask for personal information.
Aims: To explore other subject areas (History); to talk about Marco Polo.
Previous learning: Learners will need to be familiar with/reminded of subject, object and demonstrative pronouns, the use of adjectives in describing objects and feelings, and the formation of present simple questions.
Cross-curricular Links: Travel, Music
ICT skills: Using videos & pictures, working with URLs
Planned timings :
Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities- 3min —
-Good afternoon dear pupils & guests! — Who is absent? -All are present. (Divides into three groups)
— Well, let’s begin our lesson. Today, we will revise our last material and speak about travel. (Watches video about Marco Polo).
Today we have unusual lesson, we have a travel lesson.
Таsk 1. New words :
 explorer – зерттеуші
 merchant — саудагер
 emperor – патша
 Go back — қайта оралу
 enjoy — ұнатту
 prison – абақты
 rich — бай
 get married — үйлену
Таsk 2. Read the text. Then answer statements T or F Marco Polo was an Italian explorer (зерттеуші) . Marco Polo was born(туды) in Venice on September. His father was merchant (саудагер) . When he was 17 years old, he went to China with his father. They went to China to visit Kublai Khan, the emperor(хан) of China. The emperor enjoyed (ұнатты) Marco Polo’s stories about many lands. When Marco Polo went back to home, he talked about his life Hand out with pictur es in China. In 1298, he went to prison (абақты). While he was a prisoner he read his stories about China to another man in prison. The man wrote down the stories. The stories became the book, “The Travels of Marco Polo.” Marco Polo got out (шықты)of prison in 1299. He became very rich(бай) and got married(үйленді), he and his wife had three children. Marco Polo died (қайтыс болды) in 1324.
Таsk 3. Put T/ F near the statements:
1) Marco Polo was an Italian explorer _____________
2) Marco Polo was born in Venice, on January _____________
3) His father was singer _____________
4) He was 17 years old, when he went to China with his father ___________
5) They went to China to visit family _____________
6) In 1298, he went to prison _____________
7) The woman wrote down the stories _____________
8)He became very poor _____________
9) He and his wife had five children _____________
10) Marco Polo died in 1324 _____________
Таsk 4. Make correct sentences 1. Polo / was / Italy / in / born / Marco 2. China /a big / is / East / country / in the 3. Marco / Polo / and / was / a merchant /explorer. 4. Marco / in 1254 / was born / Italy / in Venice, 5. Marco / to China / first went / 17 years old. / when he was 6. Marco Polo / the emperor / for / worked / for 17 years.
Таsk 5. Warm up! Let’ decode the hidden quotation!
Таsk 6. Talk to a partner. Answer the questions in full sentences.
1. What do you know about Marco Polo?
2. Do you like travelling?
3.What countries do you want to go to?
4. What Marco Polo’s father’s name?
5.What Marco Polos uncle’s name?
6.What countries did Marco travel to?
7.When Marco Polo returned to Venice ?
8. Who met Marco in prison?
9.What is the name of the writer?
Ending the lesson (2min)
Say some sentences about Marco Polo. \Giving the home task
Reflection : Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all the learners achieve the lesson objectives/ learning objectives? If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

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